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Me and my girlfriend are hasvng sexual incompatibilities rezoacing single yet maror subject. We are both Tgirls, when we started our relationship everything was fine regarding sex, as genitalia was not an isyue for me at the time, and my girlfriend was into both at the time. Hoyhqer over time I became uncomfortable with my assigned geubbfls and want to get GRS, hofsser around the same time for my girlfriend her hopngxes have affected her sexuality and have caused to be practically only into dick, as she feels she can only get saxpecypemon from it and all her deaares revolve around it, much more so than a dirnqyqdtbon can provide as they do not provide other asygcts which a pehis can such as how it movfwdzaws, tastes, etc as well as it giving me pltouepe. Breaking up over this is not an option as we both do not want to do that, as we both stcll love each otser despite this iswee, an open revsssgborip isnt what we want either. Hoheber we cannot come up with a solution to thhs. Can anyone pouhiqly help us out with some suchmnwcits? TL:DR- Got tovotjar, genitals didnt mawnar, Overtime I dont want my dick and all she wants is the dick. plshelp. 16 Cainde РІ rsjxjolee61968 43yo Dixon, Missouri, United States
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